Product quality control at all stages

The company’s employees consider quality issues as a priority in their activities and special attention is paid to quality control at all stages — from raw material procurement to the release of finished products. The purpose of stage-by-stage control is to ensure a high level of consistency of characteristics of fire retardant products, timely detection and elimination of inconsistencies, obtaining unbiased data and its use in the development of new products.

Virtually all departments of the company are involved in the quality control process.
The system of quality control and testing of raw materials and manufactured products is prescribed by internal standards, technical standards and process procedures. Tests and inspections are carried out in accordance with the requirements of national standards and certification methods on accredited equipment, and ensure credibility and unambiguity of quality assessment of products and work.

We guarantee that all the raw materials used in the production of fire retardants have consistently high quality. Our ability to independently assess the quality of raw materials allows us to choose reliable suppliers, as well as to exclude the use of low-quality products.

Quality control in the production process is associated with monitoring of product properties at certain technological stages. This involves taking control samples, their analysis for compliance with the established quality indicators. Quality control during production also includes verification for compliance with regulatory documentation, including the packaging and labeling. Activities focused on product quality control during the production process allow to identify deviations and inconsistencies in a timely manner and, if necessary, to adjust the technological process.

Examination of fire retardant coating
Examination of the thickness of the char formed at high temperatures

Our quality management system defines the need for continuous control of functional properties of fire protection materials manufactured. To observe the fire protection characteristics of manufactured products, in addition to tests within the framework of certification programs, internal research is also envisaged. For this task, we use a unit for thermophysical tests of small-sized fragments of flat metal structures. This model unit allows estimating fire protection efficiency of tested materials under cellulosic fire conditions. Here, the result of the test is taken as the time (in minutes) of the limit state of the sample. The fire rating of the coating for steel structures is determined as the average of two test results.

The final stage of the quality control process is the confirmation of the product quality with a set of documents: quality passport, certificate of state registration, certificate of conformity.

The complex and multi-stage quality management system guarantees the high quality of delivered products and consistency of their performance characteristics.